Descriptive Reflection (Formal Introductory Letter)

Dear Professor Blackstone,

Firstly, let me introduce myself. I am Brenda, a first-year mechanical design and manufacturing engineering student taking your Critical Thinking and Communication module in class S20. Since young, I have enjoyed doing hands-on DIY crafts and constructing figures using Lego blocks, which have sparked my interest in engineering.

Unlike other students, I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Specialist Diploma in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering in 2023 and a Diploma in Digital and Precision Engineering in 2021.  I interned in the electro-optics manufacturing industry during my three-month internship in the mechanical department. I also worked as a production supervisor in the biomedical device manufacturing industry, which specialises in blood bag manufacturing, for two years while pursuing my part-time specialist diploma. Both work experiences in the engineering and manufacturing industries enabled me to better understand myself after discovering my passion for designing and developing mechanical devices, so I decided to enrol in SIT's engineering programme.

As my personality is an ambivert, my communication strength is active listening. During conversations, I enjoy listening to people's stories while always maintaining eye contact with the speaker and nodding to indicate understanding. However, when it comes to public speaking, I struggle with nervousness. While I feel comfortable speaking in small groups, I tend to become rattled and forgetful when presenting to larger audiences, causing my mind to go blank and forget my speech.

In this module, I aim to sharpen my communication skills through active participation in activities and communities while honing my social aptitude in a nurturing and secure setting. I seek to elevate my communication effectiveness by articulating my thoughts and ideas with heightened precision and self-assurance, pushing myself outside my comfort level.

I am excited about this module because it will give me the communication and critical thinking abilities I will need for my future engineering career. I appreciate you reading my email. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Brenda Tam


  1. Good stuff here, Brenda! I'll write in more detail once your blogging buddies have given you feedback

  2. short, coherent and straight to the point. but a few categories have been left out, like what sets you apart from others. decent letter overall

  3. Hi Brenda, I really enjoyed reading your self-introduction email. It was well-organised with a nice flow. The part where you shared your working experience was really detailed. I completely understand your struggle with nervousness in public speaking. Not to worry, I believe we can overcome this challenge together!

  4. Dear Brenda,

    Thank you for this highly detailed and informative letter. In it you address the key areas of the assignment, doing so with clear language use and fine illustrations. I like the way you provide a clear description of your background in terms of poly studies and industry experience. It's clear that you have a lot to offer your classmates regarding what life is like in the world of work.

    You also explain in detail your communication skills, including the sense that you're an ambivert and the feeling that you can improve your public speaking. This is an area we will address for sure.

    I'm especially impressed by you saying that you're excited about the module. I have to work hard to make sure that it doesn't disappoint.

    Language wise this post is an excellent effort.

    I look forward to learning more about you this term.

    Best wishes,


    1. Thank you, Professor Brad. I will try my best.


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